### Plastic letterbox seal prevents draughts and can help in reducing energy bills. Provides barrier against dust and prevents people from looking through the letterbox. Easy to fit.
### Seals gaps at the bottom of doors, preventing draughts, dust and noise. Fits to most doors and can be used over carpets. Can help in reducing energy bills. Polypropylene bristles.
### Seals gaps at the bottom of doors, preventing draughts, dust and noise. Fits to most doors and can be used over carpets. Can help in reducing energy bills. Polypropylene bristles.
### Seals gaps under garage doors preventing draughts, noise and dust from entering. Polypropylene bristles.
### Seals gaps under garage doors preventing draughts, noise and dust from entering. Polypropylene bristles.
### Aluminium brush strip fits garage doors to prevent draughts, dust and noise. Polypropylene bristles.
Utěsňuje mezery kolem dveří a oken a šetří energii a peníze tím, že snižuje tepelné ztráty a zabraňuje průvanu. Lze je použít na většinu dveří a oken.
Utěsňuje mezery kolem dveří a oken a šetří energii a peníze tím, že snižuje tepelné ztráty a zabraňuje průvanu. Lze ji použít na většinu dveří a oken.