We use spedition company PPL for delivering our packages.

Prices for delivery within Czech Republic:

  • Delivery of goods in Czech Republic costs 89 CZK (ex VAT). 
  • If you place an order worth more than 400 Euro (ex VAT), shipping is for free. 
  • If you visit Tábor, you can of course pick up the goods directly in our store - no costs for delivery will be applied.

Prices for delivery to Slovakia:

  • Delivery of goods to Slovakia costs 11.90 Euro (ex VAT). 
  • If you place an order worth more than 400 Euro (ex VAT), shipping is for free.

We are able to deliver goods outside the EU - delivery price needs to be arranged in advance.

Goods we hold in stock are sent second business day. Delivery time to customer takes usually one working day.

Due to wide range of products we are unable to have all products in stock. We usually ship within 10 days from order. If you need product really quickly, we stongly recommend you to contact us by phone to check if product is in stock.